And then, at 5pm at happy hour in the hotel lobby, you serve the most magical potatoes along with other snacks.

And then, at 5pm at happy hour in the hotel lobby, you serve the most magical potatoes along with other snacks.#And, #then,, #at, #5pm, #at, #happy, #hour, #in, #the, #hotel, #lobby,, #you, #serve, #the, #most, #magical, #potatoes, #along, #with, #other, #snacks.

Peanut Butter Rolo Cookies

Peanut Butter Rolo Cookies#photography, #candy, #rolos, #chocolate, #food porn

Recipe by Cass!e,

Recipe by Cass!e,#food, #waffles, #breakfast, #brunch, #chocolate

Recipe by nodie26

April 17, 2023

Recipe by nodie26#spaghetti, #cheese, #pasta, #italian food, #tomato sauce

Sugar Cookie Ice CreamSource

April 16, 2023

Sugar Cookie Ice CreamSource#Sugar, #Cookie, #Ice, #CreamSource

Lemon teriyaki chicken

April 15, 2023

Lemon teriyaki chicken#Lemon, #teriyaki, #chicken

Oatmeal Peanut Butter Pancakes with Blueberry Glaze

April 14, 2023

Oatmeal Peanut Butter Pancakes with Blueberry Glaze#Oatmeal, #Peanut, #Butter, #Pancakes, #with, #Blueberry, #Glaze

Toasted Fluffernutters with Cabernet Chocolate Fondue Half Baked Harvest on We Heart It.

April 13, 2023

Toasted Fluffernutters with Cabernet Chocolate Fondue Half Baked Harvest on We Heart It.#Toasted, #Fluffernutters, #with, #Cabernet, #Chocolate, #Fondue, #Half, #Baked, #Harvest, #on, #We, #Heart, #It.

Nectarine Pizza with Fresh Basil and Reduced Balsamic

April 12, 2023

Nectarine Pizza with Fresh Basil and Reduced Balsamic#Nectarine, #Pizza, #with, #Fresh, #Basil, #and, #Reduced, #Balsamic

Chipotle Cilantro Lime Rice

April 11, 2023

Chipotle Cilantro Lime Rice#Chipotle, #Cilantro, #Lime, #Rice

Chocolate Peanut Butter Roasted Banana MilkshakeSource

April 10, 2023

Chocolate Peanut Butter Roasted Banana MilkshakeSource#Chocolate, #Peanut, #Butter, #Roasted, #Banana, #MilkshakeSource

Chinese Cucumber Salad

April 9, 2023

Chinese Cucumber Salad#Chinese, #Cucumber, #Salad